Life is Simple…
      …Tread Lightly

For those who want to be Extra Ordinary…

           …The evolution of Doing Extra

The Tao of Focusing

  … teaches the ability to direct one’s
momentum and energies in new and unique ways,

Learning how to practice the Tao of Focusing embraces the ability to Direct one’s Intent and Momentum in new and unique ways with Conscious Awareness.

There is no Peace; there is only Desire

 Peace is a measurement of one’s intent. 
      Intent describes one’s desire.

Desire is a Focus of Intent – consciously or unconsciously
manifesting and directing energy movement.
Energy movement creates momentum and
attraction, thereby solidifying time, space,
matter and form.

  The Tao of Focusing establishes that you are  the creator of your universe.

The Tao of Inculate Nothing Happens

… the art of being inside and Staying inside
        Inside Manifests Outside

Learning how to practice the Tao of Inculate is about being able to handle being inside one’s space and form in totally new and unique ways.

ExtraOrdinary is the Evolution of Doing Extra

       One must Become Nothing
                          Before one can Become Something.

“Extra” means becoming nothing and using the Inner Will to create something new. “Extra” is handling being inside one’s space to create “Inside Manifests Outside.”
To create Extra is to be willing and able to let go of “Fitting In” – the conditioning and socialization of one’s environment from day one that shapes one’s world view.  

To begin creating new pathways begins with 1) Gathering energy “In”; 2)Emptying oneself; and 3) Inculating – holding the energies inside with the intentional Will to create new pathways versus circulating the same old patterns and perceptions. Inculate is holding space and form – no attachment to EGO (energy going out). Inculate allows the creation of new possibilities directed with intentional conscious inner aware energy movement.

  The Tao of Focusing establishes that you are
                      the creator of your universe.

Inculcate differs from Circulate

Circulate is energy, conscious or unconscious, that follows and/or repeats stuck patterns that lack new direction, thereby creating and manifesting in similar and common ways.

Circulate is linked to EGO (Energy Going Out).
Circulate is Desire – the Desire to manifesting similar and common pathways and channels that constantly follow (create) similar and common patterns of energy movement (same old, same old,)

There Is Nothing New Under the Sun…
              One must Become Nothing to Become Something.

The Tao of the Evolution of Forgiveness

… one learns the ability to be New Now.

Learning how to practice the Tao of the Evolution of Forgiveness is about applying the ability to be New Now – handling one’s mortality and immortality.

Everyone wants to fly; no one wants to die

Eliminating Self-Importance: how the world views you,
how you view yourself, and how you “Fit In” to that perception

Becoming Nothing demands being willing and able to let go of how one “Fits In.” How one Fits into the world is founded on one’s permissions of aliveness – what one creates from one’s socialization and environment from day One. 

One learns that in any and all exchanges there are three distinct lines of energy moving outward that create: Automatic, Instinctive and Deliberate.

These Three Lines of Energy – Automatic, Instinctive and Deliberate – consciously/unconsciously create assumptions and interpretations of one’s mortality and immortality – how one Fits In.

Automatic – not engaged in any exchange; things happen.

Instinctive – reacting or acting to any exchange.

Deliberate – hidden agenda; futurizing to any exchange.

One learns to work “Extra” with the Three Lines of Energy Creating and the Three Levels of Self-Importance:

All three Lines of Energy and the Three Levels of Self Importance
  negate the Evolution of Forgiveness

1)   How one assumes and interprets how one views oneself and the manifestations they create with that.

2)   How one assumes and interprets how others view one and the manifestations they create with that.

3)   How one assumes and interprets how the world, God, spirits, governments – anything that one assumes and interprets is larger than oneself – and the manifestations they create around that.

About Richard

There are those individuals who want to be, and create, Extra Ordinary.
I have worked with such individuals from all over the world since the 1970’s and have thousands of pages of training material, constantly evolving from thousands of hours of daily practices – Waking and Dream time. My newest material focuses on the inner manifestation of the Tao – creating and containing the inner movement patterns that are in harmony with the natural universal order of Inside manifests Outside with the continuous theme of Forgiveness – the ability to be New Now (instantaneously).

Life is Simple…
  …Tread Lightly

In the 1970’s, after training in secluded monasteries, I began travelling the upper Himalayas and Tibet studying animal and human movement patterns and positions. My travels moved into Africa and Australia, walking the length of the Amazon learning and observing momentum – Stalking and Tracking the creation of patterns of movement that tell a story and shape our existence within the world – Our History.

I lived in Santa Cruz, CA for a number of years, teaching Stalking and Tracking at NLP seminars and provided both individual training and weekly group classes in specific martial arts movements.

In 2000 I moved to a 10 acre homestead and created a private monastic retreat in the Sierra Nevada Foothills with my partner, and continue teaching Extra Ordinary practices and ways of life to individuals.  I utilize my original manual – the HACHIYLA – Running in Front of the Winds of Timelessness and my newer work that has expanded into, and now encompasses, the Tao of Extra Ordinary, beginning with the teachings:


The Tao of Focusing;
The Tao of Inculcate;
The Tao of the Evolution of Forgiveness

Every day throughout my life I have worked on mastery and expanding my training. My morning begins with 3 or more hours of intense practice and ends each day with the Ba ‘La exercise of moving and directing the flows of energy inside, closing, containing and shielding.

To be Extra takes internal dedication to oneself.

Learn how you can expand your life by intimately creating your world.

You are the Creator of your Universe.