The Programs


The Trainings and Programs aid individuals to focus and expand into new possibilities of conscious awareness by utilizing one-on-one Facetime trainings. There is also an option to do one-on-one personal training at the private retreat.

I. Beginning Program

This program provides a sampling of what the Tao of Focusing encompasses.  It consists of committing to one-hour Facetime consultations  each week for a minimum of  8 consecutive weeks.

At the end of the 8 weeks, you can do a two day intensive at the private retreat and continue with the 14 week or 1-year program.
NOTE: Private retreats include a cabin equipped with a bed, full bath, and kitchen for your convenience and privacy.

II. 14 Week Program

Establishing a foundation of the Tao of Focusing begins with committing to a minimum of  14 weekly (or bi-weekly) consultations within a Season (3 months).

Each consultation  ranges from one to two hours of one-to-one Facetime.
(This will be discussed in more detail during the initial consultation).

After a minimum of 14 consultations the availability to extend the Facetime training, or possibly do an intensive 2 to 3 days in person retreat training, are both available. 
NOTE: Private retreats include a cabin equipped with a bed, full bath, and kitchen for your convenience and privacy.

III.Graduate Program

This is a one-year commitment to do weekly, or bi-weekly Facetime consultations with the availability of doing a 2 to 3 day in person private retreat training.  Due to my extensive research and training over the years, the Tao of Focus has developed over decades of learning, practice and teaching and continues expanding constantly.

How to begin 

First Step – set up an initial consultation.

email Richard at [email protected]

Include a brief paragraph about your knowledge and experience of self awareness – i.e.  study of self actualization, study and awareness of your conscious evolution,  training of martial arts, yoga, wilderness training, NLP – anything that provides an idea of your conscious awareness and evolution.

Also include what possibilities you want to explore and expand relating to your individual extra ordinariness  resonating from the information provided.

Richard will respond to set up a consultation.
Once the date and time are set you will submit payment of $200.00 US funds to secure your consultation.

Acceptable payments are Paypal (including the transfer fee), Zelle, ACH wire (including the transfer fee),  and Money Order.